Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Reflections from the Heart > Page 5


The Heart Speaks~Sacred Intercourse... Merton... Neverland... Juanita... Solitude... Remembering

Page 5

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A friend spoke to me of what my purpose may be in life now. The words kept being given me within, "I just want to love others." I trust if my first desire is to love, Life will present me with opportunities. And, in those moments of sharing with another, sharing ourselves, we find the deepest meaning of our lives and of Life. So, you could pray, "I'm here. Give me to love whom You choose I love. Give me the love to love, give me Yourself."

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In its purest way, I do not have to love anyone, not when I make myself available for the Beloved to love through me. Yet, at the same time, I cannot say I do not love, for I am intimately involved with Love, the loving, and whom is receiving the love. So, I could say, "The purpose of my life is to love," but I can say little about that, for I truly know little about what that means. That is a reason I recall now often the song "Both Sides Now"... "It's love's illusions I recall, I really don't know love at all."

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Merton again, calling me Home to rest and trust in the Quiet...

To love solitude and to seek it does not mean constantly traveling from one geographical possibility to another. A man becomes a solitary at the moment when, no matter what may be his external surroundings, he is suddenly aware of his own inalienable solitude and sees that he will never be anything but solitary. From that moment, solitude is not potential~it is actual.

When I remain within the solitude within this self, this presence invites others into that same spaciousness, the Presence. I cannot just turn this off and on. Either I live from the solitude or not. I cannot be with someone and decide to manifest this intimacy without living with it daily, nightly, always. Even if another were not to join me, my being present in the inner sanctum would enhance our sharing. And, possibly, someday, he or she would join me there. "My prayer is that I will always be with others from that of You within me, that they may taste Love in me, in themselves. May it be, may it be."

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Yes... in the words of PaulValéry, in “La Feuille Blanche”... "There is in all beauty an absolute that forbids our touching it~it sends forth something sacred that gives pause and strikes the man about to act with doubt and awe."

Yes,... hear, listen deeply, where no one and nothing can reach... not even you...

And you are beautiful, beauty lives in and through you, touching the beauty in the other. Do you see it? Do you? Does it ever strike a moment of fear in you? If so, you have seen, truly seen. If you cannot see, close your eyes, there, in the darkness of your inner, luminous, illuminating night, you may see the Day, the Light of Beauty and, so, in opening your eyes, adore it, feel it, everywhere. For what is Life, but a gift of Beauty, the Beautiful? Have we forgotten this? Have we? If so, can we remember, return to the Beauty, to live there where we already are, Home inviting us Home, where even our doubts lead us to where we have always been and can have complete faith in, for we are loved, and this beautiful is Love and Love is this beautiful?

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(C) brian wilcox 2020

*Quotes from Thomas Merton from Thoughts in Solitude.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Reflections from the Heart > Page 5

©Brian Wilcox 2024